
Recent posts on industry news, insightful information and anecdotes.

Great Opportunities Await Young Adults Entering The Trades Industry

The world has so often pushed a college education on the growing young adults, within the United States; college degrees have been so routinely spoken about in such a strenuous matter, that these individuals have come to believe college as their only successful option. As a consequence of such words and teachings, the U.S. is in desperate need of tradespeople in all fields. Click on the link below to read the full article on why the high school and college communities are the answer to our future within the trade industry.

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What is the "Price" of Taking a Shortcut?

Think about the job that you do every day; you probably feel pretty proud of the work that you put in and the product that you deliver, right? But are you able to deliver that type of quality work every time? Are we being asked to do a job that we have not been trained to do…or one that we do not have the correct tools or materials to perform?

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